
What We Offer

We have a well established distribution network, as we source products through all our four warehouses spread across the country. More than that, we have suppliers from all European Union countries beside Romania. This enables us to efficiently supply our 250+ corporate customers from 22 countries spread across three continents.


The range of products distributed is very large and includes brand medicines as well as generics. Perfect Care is licensed to handle sanitary and hygiene products, cosmetics, medical devices, dietary supplements, homeopathic medicines, over-the-counter medicines, prescription medicines and also controlled substances (narcotics).

We have a specialized department dealing with hospital supply and we have nation-wide agreements with over 80 hospitals and private clinics.

All our warehouses are GDP compliant and have been regularly inspected by the National Medicines Agency.

We have our own logistics for moving stock within Romania; for all external transports we use GDP compliant logistics companies.